25 weeks!

19 04 2012

Yesterday, I passed the 25 week mark!  That means I am about 62% through my pregnancy.  My baby boy is now about 13.5 inches long and 1.5 lb!  That’s about the size of an eggplant.  Right now, my baby’s body parts is becoming more proportional and my baby is developing more fat to prepare for the outside world.  He also knows up from down now due to developing equilibrium.

Right now, my womb is about the size of a soccer ball and halfway between my sternum and bellybutton.  I definitely have more and more of a bump these days and it’s pretty unmistakable even to strangers that I am pregnant.  My boy is extremely active, sometimes kicking me until 2 am, then kicking me again at 8 am.  Thankfully, he never wakes me up with his kicking.  This week has been an odd week, since James was out of town on a business trip.  I stayed at my parents for those days, which was fun.  But I also have had now three ocular migraines (otherwise known as painless migraines), which affect the eye and not necessarily precedes a normal migraine.  I also have been having more allergies, possibly due to my parents’ dog and increase of pollen in the air.  I’ve been waking up with itchy throat, eyes, and congestion, but I am not really a big fan of allergy meds, considering how my body has reacted to them in the past.  So I’m airing out the house, dusting, and getting the humidifier out.  Hopefully these steps start helping my symptoms. It’s pouring down rain today, so I think that’ll help clear out the air!

Our house is coming along quite splendidly.  Yesterday, I hear reports of windows being installed! (by my mother).  It’s completely framed and roofed now.  They will probably start with the siding and electrical next.  It’s really exciting to see it go up so fast!  We also met our next door neighbors, who are a very nice, elderly couple.  I am excited to get to know them better.  They were amazed at how fast our house went up, it took just 7 work days to go from foundation to framed and roofed house.  I am continually amazed at the men working on our house and their hard work and efficiency.

The house as of Monday, April 16th. Since then the windows and roof have gone in.

Beyond that, James and I continue to serve in the youth ministry at our church, as well as attend a young marrieds bible study.  It’s been awesome to have so much support from the other mothers in our community.  It will be fun to see our kids grow up together.

It is a very exciting them in our lives, and we love all of you!



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